The Editor's Vineyard--Herzog's 2009 International Wine & Food Festival was a winner

The 2009 International Food & Wine Festival took place recently at Herzog Cellars in Oxnard. The event featured famous kosher wines from around the world.

Wines from France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Israel, New Zealand, Australia, Argentina, Chile and California were presented for tasting. Famous wineries were included including Chateau Pontet Canet and Barons de Rothschild, Capcanes Flor de Primavera from Spain and Domaine du Castel from Israel as well as Herzog and Covenant from California.

Some 300 attended the event including retailers, media and collectors giving all a rare opportunity to meet winemakers from many countries. It also allowed this writer to taste vintages, old favorites like Chateau Giscours, Chateau Giraud and Chateau Pontet Canet. Also Generation Vlll vintages by Herzog including 2006 To Kalon Cabernet Sauvignon from Napa Valley vineyards as well as a new single vineyard collection of Herzog California wines.

Another great reason for attending was an unusual selection of gourmet specialties especially prepared by most talented chef Todd Aarons. Todd holds forth as head of the kitchen staff at the Tierra Sur restaurant located at Herzog Cellars. Tierra Sur has received praise from some of Southern California's best restaurant critics. At this event tables heaped with tasty tidbits especially created to go with the outstanding wines being presented

Herzog Wine Cellars and Tierra Sur Restaurant are located at 3201 Camino Del Sol in Oxnard.

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Last Update:3/15/09

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