"Los Angeles--Restaurants honored for their authentic Italian cuisine

by Joe Hilbers

It can be said that Italian cuisine is highly esteemed in many parts of the world, certainly this is so in the U.S. To preserve the Italian culinary tradition, its history, quality, history and authenticity Ospitalita Italiana has been established with headquarters in Umbria.

To this end Ospitalita Italiana honors Italian restaurants in other countries that meet the quality standards it has established. The actual selection and inspection of these restaurants has been the responsibility of the Italian Chamber of Commerce world wide.

In California this is the Italy-American Chamber of Commerce West located at the Italian Cultural Institute in west Los Angeles. Recently for the third straight year restaurants, selected on the west coast as certified by Ospitalita Italiana, were honored at a ceremony held at the Institute with the owners and chefs of these restaurants receiving the coveted Ospitalita Italiana metal plaque to be prominently displayed.

The plaques were awarded by Giuseppe Perrone, Consul General of Italy in Los Angeles and Letizia Miccoli, executive secretary of IACCW. Following the presentation those attending were rewarded by some showplace Italian specialties prepared by some of the honored chefs.

Some winners included Giorgio Lo Verde and Vicente Mendoza of Il Fornnaio and Moises Mendoza of Canaletto Ristorante Veneto.

This Writer visited Umbria some years ago to cover a wine competition at Perugia and was impressed with both the historic aspects of its surroundings and its rich cultural heritage. We had the opportunity to visit other Medieval cities including Assisi and Spoleto. Perugia is also headquarters for the Universita dei Sapori which offers courses in all aspects of agriculture including food distribution and training for chefs. There are also courses for existing chefs and restaurant owners who wish to attain additional skills.

Wine has always played a large role in Umbria. Currently it is home to seventy eight wineries with 240 labels of DOC and DOCG wines. Some of its wine regions include The Land of Sagrantino, Todi and the Martani Hills, Orvieto and Il Cantico Del Vino. The vineyards include both red and white wine grapes and with local and international varietals.

To acquire a list of the west coast certified Ospitalita Italiana restaurants contact the IACCW at 310 557-3017, on the web at www.iaccw.net

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Last Update:12/16/13

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