The Editor's Confidential File"
In the course of my six decades as a journalist I have written about sports, civic events, legislation and chronicled the happenings of the beverage business in California, then moving on to my newsletter, Vittles, Vintages & Voyages. Over the years people told me some most interesting events in their lives not for publication but merely because they wanted to relate them. Often I asked myself, 'why me'. Perhaps it was because I am a good listener and achieved a reputation with the people I knew to have the ability to keep their stories to myself. They believed, and properly so, that what they related was for my ears only.
In some instances the stories relate to some event in which I actually was the reporter and in others I am the observer of events that took place often over a long time span.
Perhaps some who delve into this web page will ask, why these stories now? The answer is that I was fascinated with them because they reveal much of how we are as people and how we react to events, some not always pleasant. They are in short human interest tales as told to me. The people in these stories are real but I have changed the names in all of them even though in most instances they have been dead a long time.. Also a few stories on how I dealt with some situations myself and how sometimes they were truly learning experiences.
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